FreshGround | Archive
FreshGround's brand assets in section Archive.
Customer Experience Assets
- Fg teapoint a2poster csr
- Fg teapoint a2poster dairyfree
- Fg teapoint a2poster gosh
- Fg teapoint a2poster santabarbara
- Fg teapoint a2poster snickerdoodlelatte
- Welcome screen template
Brand GIFs
Brand booklets
- Brand personality tov
- Freshground brand script
- Freshground brand script
- Freshground brand strategy 201903
- Freshground brand strategy 201903
- Freshground brand values for fg reception v20190417
- Freshground standards 201903 v2
Background and textures
- Annie spratt 760261 unsplash
- Fdc518fa5528f716990a3b0a4fb6632f
- Francesco casalino 531157 unsplash
- Jeremy galliani 658997 unsplash
- Joshua bartell 6vvibtvl90a unsplash
- Keenan sultanik 752254 unsplash
- Martin 211 unsplash
- Matt hoffman kf9c9y kwz0 unsplash
- Patrick tomasso 71909 unsplash
- Photo 1552240388 2811ce16b271
- Photo 1519418482467 96eca39b3f1b
- Scott hewitt 1258055 unsplash
- Shoot n design 70930 unsplash
- Tim mossholder 571646 unsplash
- 80 alcohol gel cleanser 5ltr
- Blackyellow lane marking tape 50mm x 33m
- Centre feed 2 ply hygiene roll 12 x 60m rolls
- Disposable civilian face mask x50
- Doorhangerblue large
- Foot operated hand sanitiser dispenser black
- Foot operated hand sanitiser dispenser stainless steel
- Freshoffice bactericidal hand soap 5ltr
- Freshoffice hand gel sanitiser 24 x 100ml
- Freshoffice log 6 active chlorine cleaner fine spray 12x150ml
- Freshoffice log 6 active chlorine cleaner 6 x 500ml
- Freshoffice paper hand towels 20 x 150
- Freshoffice personal workspace wellbeing pack
- Freshoffice ready for use door hangers x12
- Freshoffice wellbeing commute pack
- Freshoffice workplace sanitising solution
- Grey reusable face mask x2
- Img 4563 2 large
- Img 80951 1 2 large
- Krok door opener id card holder
- Non contact head thermometer
- Polythene barrier roll 4 x 25m
- Red lane marking tape 50mm x 33m
- Redwhite lane marking tape 50mm x 33m
- Sterizen 80 alcohol hand sanitiser 12 x 150ml
- Sterizen 80 alcohol hand sanitiser 12 x 250ml
- Sterizen anti bacterial water cooler cleaning kit
- Tecman face visor
- Uniwipe clinical sanitising wipes 200s
- White roll
- Yellow lane marking tape 50mm x 33m
- 123 v2 01
- 123 v2 02
- 123 v2 03
- 123
- Freshoffice icons 01
- Freshoffice icons 04
- Freshoffice icons v2 fogging 01
- Freshoffice icons v2 02
- Freshoffice icons v2 03
- Freshoffice icons v3 04
- Freshoffice icons v2 fogging 02
- Freshoffice icons v2 fogging 04
- Freshoffice icons v3 05
- Freshoffice icons v3 06
- Freshoffice icons v5 02
- Freshoffice icons v5 06
- Freshoffice icons v7 03
Cherry pattern
- Fg coffee pattern pms warm red cmyk v201906 2000px
- Fg coffee pattern pms warm red cmyk v201906
- Fg coffee pattern pms warm red cmyk v201906
Other logos
- Egro suisse ag logo vector
- Jura logo
- Rfawhite
- Rfawhite
- Zip logo
- Enjoying happiness by the cup freshground
Brand guidelines
- Be part of a positive team
- Be proactive
- Buzzed
- Clarity
- Communicate with clarity
- Communicate with clarity
- Communicate
- Customer white
- Energised
- Focus on customer
- Focus on the customer
- Focus
- Focus
- Hyper
- Pro active
- Proactive cut out uniform size
- Proactive white
- Proactive
- Proactive
- Refreshed
- Serene
- Simplicity 1
- Simplicity white
- Simplicity
- Simplicity
- Team cut out uniform size
- Team trio
- Team white
- Team
- Think simplicity