Léargas | EU Logos
Léargas's brand assets in section EU Logos.
Funded by the European Union
- Funded by the EU_black_Horizontal
- Funded by the EU_black
- Funded by eu_white_vertical
- Funded by eu_white_horizontal
- Funded by eu_horizontal
- Funded by eu_vertical
Erasmus+ Logo
- Erasmus_logo_blue (1)
- Erasmus_logo_white
European Solidarity Corps
- Solidaritycorps_with_tagline for_non_ec en
- Solidaritycorps_with_tagline for_non_ec ga
Co-funded by the European Union
- En co funded by the eu_black
- En v co funded by_black
- Co funded by eu_vertical
- Co funded by eu_horizontal
- Co funded by eu_white_vertical
- Co funded by eu_white_horizontal